Ghost blog with Google Analytics

Creating engaging content may be a challenge if you don't understand your readers and their preferences. There are plenty of ways to get to know your readers. Today we'll explore one of them – a website tracking tool which tells you how readers engage with your blog.

One of the most popular tools for website tracking is Google Analytics. In short, Google Analytics lets better understand:

  • How readers interact with your blog
  • Where your readers are located
  • Which website they're coming from
  • Discover trends in mobile/desktop usage
  • etc.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool which helps you better tailor content for your blog audience.

How to enable Google Analytics

If you're using DigitalPress to run your blog, enabling Google Analytics is very easy. DigitalPress provides access to Integrations – one of them is Google Analytics. Open your blog in our Web dashboard and scroll down to integrations.

Integrations allow you to configure third-party services supported by DigitalPress. To configure Google Analytics you will need a Tracking ID which can be found in your Google Analytics.

Navigate to Admin > Tracking Info > Tracking Code in your Google Analytics dashboard to find your Tracking ID.

Enter the ID into the integration configuration in DigitalPress and your Ghost blog now has Google Analytics enabled.

Not using DigitalPress?

In case you're hosting a Ghost blog on your own, you need to do a bit of work to get Google Analytics up and running.

First you need to open Google Analytics dashboard, navigate to Admin > Tracking Info > Tracking Code and copy the Global Site Tag code.

Now open your Ghost blog admin interface and paste the code into
Code Injection > Site Header field.

Save the settings and you should see how readers engage with your blog right in your Google Analytics account.


We have learned how to enable Google Analytics for your Ghost blog. You will need a Tracking ID to configuring analytics for your blog on DigitalPress. If you're hosting Ghost blog on your own, you need to copy & paste a couple lines of code into Code Injection section.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool which helps you better understand your readers and create engaging content based on what your readers enjoy. Look for trends, crunch through the data and try to better understand your audience.

Let us know how Google Analytics helped you create more engaging content!